School Diary

  1. All students should come to school in a neat, clean and complete prescribed uniform.
  2. Hair should be combed & tied-up neatly, use black hair bands and clips only for girls.
  3. Children should wear proper undergarments to school.
  4. School gates will be closed at 8.00 a.m. as per summer timings and 8.30 a.m. in winters No child will be granted entry after closure of the school gate.
  5. No half day leave will be granted. Parents must not send the child to school at all if the child is sick or will not be able to attend full school.
  6. No leave will be granted during the term exams. Children who miss the exam will be awarded zero. Average marking will be done if the case is genuine, or on the medical ground. This condition is applicable only once in an academic year.
  7. No leave will be granted during the term exams. Children who miss the exam will be awarded zero. Average marking will be done if the case is genuine, or on the medical ground. This condition is applicable only once in an academic year.
  8. The school reserves the right, after a warning, to suspend the students whose progress is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.

Important Information for Parents

  1. Parents can also meet the Principal, only by prior appointment.
  2. Parents are not permitted to go to the class rooms to meet the teachers during regular school hours.
  3. Parents are expected to cooperate with the school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline.
  4. The student's profile form of the school diary should be filled correctly and promptly.
  5. Any change in the address of telephone number must be informed immediately to the school office.
  6. Kindly check the diary everyday and send the home work notebooks and the Home work sheet regularly for correction.
  7. The child should bring a towel napkin and a handkerchief daily to school. The child's name should be written on his belongings.
  8. Oily, Spicy, Junk food should be avoided so that the books are not stained.